Student Council

The Executive Student Council oversees student government activities within the building.  The Council consists of an executive president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer and a student liaison to the Board of Education. The student liaison attends meetings and provides a written report once a month to the Board of Education.  Upon the request of the elected council and the advisors, they may vote to appoint additional representatives at large as referenced in the Wayne Valley Student Council Constitution.

The Executive Council meets every week after school convenes  and at least once a month with all class officers.  The business of the meetings and the duties of the officers include enacting student governmental procedures, expressing the voice of the student body and planning schoolwide functions and events, such as Spirit Week and Pep Rallies.  

Elections to the Executive Student Council take place each May for the following school year.  

Student Council Contact

Executive Student Council Advisors:

Mr. Carroll
Email Mr. Carroll

Mrs. Vacca
Email Mrs. Vacca

Election Form

Please obtain election packets from outside of room 239 

Follow all rules and regulations of the procedures and complete all requirements to be considered for candidacy.

Class Advisors and Information (Click Below)


12th grade
Ms. Vanetta - Email Ms. Vanetta
Ms. Damiani - Email Ms. Damiani

11th grade:
Mr. Wilke - Mr. Wilke
Ms. Quintavella - Email Ms. Quintavella

10th grade: 
Ms. Colon - Email Ms. Colon
Mrs. Wills - Email Mrs. Wills

9th grade:
Ms. Ahlert - Email Ms. Ahlert
Ms. Potts - Email Ms. Potts