1. If you have not already done so, create your Common App account.
2. Link your Naviance Account with your Common App account.
Go to the "Colleges" Tab
Click on "Colleges I'm Applying to"
Connect the Common App account to Naviance
3. Add any non- Common App schools to your "Colleges I am Applying to" list under the "Colleges" tab.
4. Ask your 2 teachers "face to face" for letters of recommendation.
5. Add your teachers as recommenders in the "Colleges" tab.
Click On "Apply to College"
Click on "Letter of Recommendation" and find the teacher and add your request.
6. Continue to work on and receive feedback on your ESSAY!
7. If you have not already done so, complete your " Student College Questionnaire" under the "About Me" Tab and inform your counselor that it is complete.
Click on "My Surveys"
Click on either "Surveys Not Started" or if you have started it you can click on "Surveys in Progress.
8. Fill out and sign the Transcript request form and hand deliver it to your counselor. WATCH YOUR DEADLINES!!!
9. If you have not already done so, take your SATs and/or ACTs (November or December dates are still available)
** Reminder - You are responsible for sending your official standardized test scores directly from the testing agency to the colleges, universities and scholarship programs. (Collegeboard/ ACT)
11. Attend the College Rep Visits (September - November) - Sign up using Naviance
12. Participate in Instant Decision Days!
You should be working on...
2. Build your Resume & Consider a summer program. There are so many wonderful opportunities out there at many, many different Universities!!
3. In May/ June, ask your 2 teachers for letters of recommendation in person and "add request" under the Colleges tab in Naviance
4. In the summer before Senior year complete your "Student College Questionnaire" under the "About Me" Tab in Naviance.
5. Go on College Campus Visits
6. Update "Colleges I'm Thinking about" List on your "Colleges" Tab in Naviance.
7. After August 1st, start your Common App. (There is a series of video tutorials made by common app outlining the steps to the application process)
8. Start your Essay, ask your Jr. year English Teacher for assistance.