Course Request Process
Scheduling Information
The School Counseling Department is beginning scheduling for the upcoming school year.
Please Note: This year, scheduling will be done online through OnCourse Connect. Students are only responsible for selecting elective courses and alternate choices.
During the meetings, the counselors will present on course selections and pathways, as well as provide instruction for completing the new course request process. Below you can find links to the presentation and a tutorial to assist the students in the process.
Before your child meets with their counselor to schedule, it will be necessary for them to look over the Program of Studies booklet.
Counselors will meet with students once they have completed their online requests. No preference will be given to grade level. All students have the same chance of getting the courses they want.
Scheduling appointments will not be honored without a completed schedule. Scheduling changes will not be permitted after June 1st except for summer school involvement, change of program, failure in a subject, or due to state/district standardized test results.
Regarding Advanced Placement courses:
Students must understand the responsibility of signing up for an AP course. Once you begin your AP course, you may not drop it. AP courses are designed to be challenging, and it is this challenge that you must recognize you are signing up for. If extenuating circumstances occur, you will receive a Withdrawn (W) on your record. And, if you are a senior, we will send a letter to your university’s registrar stating that you have dropped your AP course.
If you choose to join your son or daughter during the scheduling meeting with the counselor, please call the Guidance Department for an appointment.