Yearbook Announcements/Reminders
AS of: 9/12/23
Re-takes will be on October 19th in the Auditorium. It is Day 1. The photographers will be there from 8am until 2:30 pm.
If you purchased a package, please bring it to the retake.
The next sitting at Wayne Hills is on October 27th and 30th in the auditorium and is for students wishing to do re-takes. It is not open to schedule appointments as of yet.
Students who did not take senior portraits over the summer, please read the options below.
You can do one of 2 things. You can either call Lor's studio directly and schedule an appt with them at their studio or wait until the 2 dates in October. Please note that the October dates are typically set aside for retakes, not first sittings. Also, if you wait until October, and you do not like how your portrait looks, you might not have a chance to take a re-take in time for a Yearbook photo to be submitted. We encourage you to set up a time in the studio for your initial sitting. The LORS Studio Customer Service number is 908.964.0847 to set up an appointment.