General Information
Highly Qualified Teacher Status
The federal law, called No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires teachers to be “highly qualified” in the subjects they teach. As parents you have the right to inquire about the qualifications and the “HQT” status of your child’s teacher. At Theunis Dey Elementary School every classroom has a “Highly Qualified Teacher” who is dedicated to the success of each child. I encourage you to continue to support your child’s education and communicate with his or her teacher on a regular basis. By partnering with your child’s teacher, together we can provide your child with the best education possible.
Lunch Menu
Code of Conduct

I am Important.
I am Respectful.
I am prepared.
I am responsible for my own actions.
I am positive with myself and others.
Listen when someone is speaking.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Raise your hand to speak. Speak at the appropriate time.
Walk in the hallways.
Respect others.
Respect our school and our materials.
1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Conference with Teacher
3rd Offense: Loss of privilege
4th Offense: Parents contacted
5th Offense: Principal & Parents contacted
Fighting, inappropriate language, or stealing will result in a
conference with your parents and a possible detention or suspension.