James Fallon PTO
PTO Mission Statement
The James Fallon Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a nonprofit organization whose membership includes parents/legal guardians and staff at James Fallon School. The James Fallon PTO will strive to maintain communication and cooperation between parents, teachers and administrators to help ensure that students achieve their fullest potential and receive the best education possible.
The PTO sponsors assistance to teachers in the classroom setting, raises funds for supplemental educational materials and experiences, supports school and family social interaction, and provides a non-biased forum for sharing information on issues that impact our children. It is our belief that the team effort of a parent teacher organization offers the best possible learning environment for our children.
PTO Events and News
Current Fundraisers
Red Sparrows Lawn Sign Fundraiser:
Book any Red Sparrows Yard Signs and $10.00 will go to the PTO!
*Upon booking be sure to mention James Fallon PTO
Class Parent Information
School Store
School Store Committee Chairpeople
Carianne Reeber
Email Carianne Reeber
2022-2023 PTO Officers
Debi Casillo
Kim Barrett
Lisa Szczygiel
Jeanne Marie Valvano
Cindy Sinko
Assistant Treasurer:
Janine Martucci
Recording Secretary:
Janelle Metzler
Corresponding Secretary:
Jamie Cohen