AWMS Clubs

New Spring AW PTO-Sponsored Clubs Are Available for Sign-Up

2023-2024 AW Clubs and Permission Slips

Spring Clubs 2024

The following clubs will be starting soon at Anthony Wayne.  There will be other clubs offered by the PTO as well.  Please read the descriptions and use the corresponding links to fill out the Google Forms to sign up.

School Clubs

Creative Writing 

What makes someone a writer? Showing up! Come join the Creative Writing Club today to share your work with other like-minded writers. We will meet on Wednesdays to read inspiring works of poetry and fiction, and workshop our own original stories in a collaborative and constructive environment. The Creative Writing Club is a place to learn how to be a better writer by connecting with other inspiring young writers. Over the course of the club we will construct narratives,perhaps poems, edit our work, comment and collaborate with our group members, and discuss the craft of writing.

If interested fill out the Google Form or email Ms. Kistler at or Mr. McMahon at 


Words Matter-Musical Messages 

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said “Music is the universal language of mankind.” And at Anthony Wayne Middle School, we agree! The club Words Matter - Musical Messages focuses on students contributing meaningful quotes from music they love. The club will vote on approved quotes, the winning song will be played, and the quote will be discussed and written where the whole school can see. Students may also add artwork related to the quote and how they interpret it. Come join us as we share our musical messages and artistic interpretations within our AWMS school community! Any questions please contact Mrs. Rush at rrush@wayneschools,com



Rock Band Club 

Do you listen to Alternative Rock, Punk, Grunge, Prog, or Metal music? Do you play guitar, bass, drums, or keyboards? Would you like the opportunity to play music with some of your peers and Mr. Maher (plus other musical staff members) in a band setting? Then Rock Band Club is for you! Any questions please reach out to Mr. Maher at

Permission Slip


PTO Clubs

ADDITIONALLY: The PTO is sponsoring 3 after school clubs this spring, completely FREE to your child. 


  • Kickball with Mr. Basile on Wednesdays - 10 sessions

  • Chess Club with Mr. Grant on Tuesdays - 10 sessions

  • Blanket Weaving with Ms. Buranicz on Wednesdays - 3 mini sessions of 3 weeks each


Please only sign up for one club.


The link will open up on Monday, March 18th at 8pm.

First come, first served.


"Click Here to Register"