Job Board

job board

TAPinto Wayne

A career in journalism can be rewarding and exciting. Working with TAPinto Wayne – an online daily newspaper covering Wayne Township – can help you understand what it would be like to be a journalist on a small scale, here at home.

This program will help you understand:

·      Formatting your writing into a formal article for publication

·      The importance of objectivity and how to avoid inserting your own opinions into a story

·      Writing headlines to entice readers

·      Self-editing basics

·      Interviewing skills

·      Sports writing versus News writing


SKC & Co

This internship experience would involve learning new software and doing real client work in that software. Students will get experience in depreciation, bookkeeping, accounting, and tax. Interns will rotate through the accounting department, marketing department, admin department and data analytics department so they get an overview of all areas.


Lifelong Investments

The internship experience at Lifelong Investments will consist of learning the day-to-day functions of a financial planning firm. An intern can also expect to learn the basic fundamentals of the business and potential strategies for our clients, including how we research, how we analyze, how we communicate and how we market. It’s a great entry point to begin understanding the many different avenues available in an extremely vast industry. Please note: The candidate should expect to maintain confidentiality as well as go through the required background checks and fingerprinting required by FINRA.


C3 Workplace

Interns will perform duties in a manner consistent with C3Workplace’s ( strive to increase our value to our clients by working on specifically assigned projects and in doing so seek out new ideas, opportunities, applications, technologies and/or more streamlined procedures, and contribute to our clients’ increased profitability by allowing them to focus on their core expertise effectively leveraging their time.

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